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Rovio by WowWee - An alien in Your home?

At CES 2008 WowWee has introduced Rovio, a robot with Omni-directional wheels and self charging station designed to be used as a survelience robot with Skype Capabilities. Even Microsoft is promoting this little machine.

Rovio is a “telepresence” robot that’s outfitted with the latest in micro-GPS technology from Evolution Robotics. Rovio has a Wi-Fi-enabled Web-cam that allows you to patrol your home while you’re away, via an Internet-enabled PC, console or mobile phone.

This one is an interesting looking robot. With the new GPS system you can drive the robot with shortcut “go-to” commands. For instance, “go to the dining room”. This makes it easy to control the robot remotely over the Web or even from your mobile phone. It also has what they call a “patrol mode” where it automatically sends you pictures of locations you want to check.

With the other cool features, it also has the ability to guide itself back on course if, say your kids pick it up and move it, or if the dog wants to play with it. When it gets thirsty for energy, it can navigate to its charging station from anywhere in the home, and dock with pinpoint accuracy. It’s expected to launch in the second half of the year.

WowWee Rovio will be available fall 2008 for an estimating price of $299.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have posted a few behind the scenes videos of the Rovio Demo from CES 2008 on YouTube. These show the web interface and NorthStar navigation capabilities. Please check out: www.youtube.com/profile?user=EvolutionRobotics


Mike @
Evolution Robotics